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Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Recruitment


Post :- Postdoctoral - Fellow

Salary :- Rs.50,000/-

Notification As Below 

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Postdoctoral-fellow position in Web Security atIIT Gandhinagar

July 21, 2021

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGN) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow position in the area of Web security for a research project funded by the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar.

Job Description: The candidate will work on the area of investigating leaks

(with a focus on side-channel leaks) in Web browsers and applications, andproposing methodologies to securing them. They would use software engineering tools to detect different kinds of security leaks in online applications, andtechniques from programming languages and verification to build the security


Eligibility: PhD in Computer Science or related areas (specialized in security,

programming languages or software engineering) with a good scientific publi-

cation record. Experience working with Web or browser security is a plus.

Candidates who have submitted their thesis are also eligible for the position.

Duration: Initial appointment is for 1 year, extendable up to 1 more yearbased on performance

Remuneration: 50,000 INR per month plus 10,000 INR HRA

Application Procedure: Candidates must send the following documents via e-mail to Abhishek Bichhawat (abhishek.b at iitgn. as a single pdf


1. Current resume with a list of publications.

2. Research statement with previous research and future research interests

3. Names and contact details of 2 potential referees.

The applications will continue to be screened until the position is filled. Queries

may be directed to Abhishek Bichhawat via email.

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